


Senior Internal Auditor, PAGL.2 [Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire]

POSTED BY: African Development Bank Group
Date Published:Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Date of Expiration:Monday, January 27, 2025 EXPIRED

 Cote d'Ivoire |  ABIDJAN in Cote d'Ivoire
Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Position Grade: PL5
Position Number: 50001354
Posting Date: 30-Jul-2024
Closing Date: 29-Aug-2024

Established in 1964, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 81 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In order to sharply focus the objectives of the Ten Year Strategy (2024 – 2033) and ensure greater developmental impact, five major areas (High 5s), all of which will accelerate our delivery for Africa, have been identified for scaling up, namely; energy, agro-business, industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people of Africa.

The President, plans, supervises and manages the business of the Bank Group. Under the direction of the Boards of Directors, the President conducts the business of the Bank and the African Development Fund and manages operations and activities in accordance with the Agreements establishing the ADB and the ADF. The President supervises several Departments and Units including Office of the President (PRST0); Independent Development Evaluation Department (BDEV); Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department (PIAC); Compliance Review and Mediation Unit (BCRM); Secretariat to the Sanctions Appeals Board (BSAB); Administrative Tribunal (BATR); Office of the Auditor General (PAGL); Group Risk Management Directorate (PGRM); General Counsel and Legal Services Department (PGCL); Communication and External Relations Department (PCER); Staff Integrity and Ethics Office (PETH) and Office of the Secretary General & General Secretariat(PSEG).

Office of the Auditor General provides independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the Bank’s operations. It also assists the Bank to accomplish its strategic objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. The Office of the Auditor General is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling a broad, comprehensive program of auditing and consulting/advisory services both internally and externally including, without limitation, all projects and programs of the Bank group.

1. The overall objective of this position is to provide independent and objective assurance and consulting and advisory services in compliance with established professional internal auditing standards.
2. The Senior Internal Auditor will perform audits and advisory/consulting services covering Bank Group activities and operations.

Under the supervision and guidance of the Division Manager, the Senior Internal Auditor will:
1. Conduct audits of highly diversified Bank-wide activities or operations relating to the financial, administrative, and operational functions of the Bank.
2. Plan audits and determine the audit objectives, scope, criteria, methodology to be used as well as staff and budget resources required to ensure that the audit adequately covers the selected area of the Bank's operations, activities, systems, and controls.
3. Decide on the applicable audit approach and techniques to facilitate the conduct of the audit and prepare the planning memorandum for Manager’s and Auditor General’s approval.
4. Prepare Audit Programme or modify existing ones (if any), to ensure a systematic approach to the audit and ensure that the scope of the audit is covered adequately.
5. Conduct the fieldwork by collecting data, documents, and information, testing and analysing such information, identifying weaknesses, causes and effects of variances, errors, non-compliance with rules, regulations, policies, procedures, etc with a strong focus on using data analytics and analytical tools.
6. As may be applicable, supervise and review the work performed by Audit Assistants and/or Consultants to ensure that objectives are achieved; working papers adequately support the findings, conclusions, and recommendations, and the report is accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, and timely while ensuring efficiency and effective use the auditing software.
7. Lead or participate in Audit Missions to Member Countries' organizations, Project Executing Agencies, and Sites. Advice on compliance with Bank Rules, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures to improve project implementation.
8. Select, present and discuss audit findings of particularly significant impact or recommendations for substantial changes in procedures, workflow or organization, with concerned Managers and Directors to obtain their agreement.
9. Prepare the Preliminary Audit Report containing observations, conclusions, and recommendations to tighten controls, safeguard the assets or image of the Bank, improve working procedures and ensure that resources are efficiently utilized, under the supervision of the Manager for transmission to the Auditor General.
10. Prepare the Final Internal Audit Report after incorporating the comments of the auditee Departments under the supervision of the Manager for transmission to the Auditor General.
11. Monitor the implementation of audit recommendations to ensure that the weaknesses observed are corrected and do not recur.
12. Give advice to other departments and Committees on matters relating to internal control, audit of Bank projects, procedures, financial management, operational issues to facilitate their decision-making process.
13. Propose and prepare broad audit guidelines, audit manuals, procedures, and standards for internal audit activities to ensures consistency of audit approach, independence, objectivity, professional proficiency, and due care.
14. As may be required, participate in the External Quality Assurance Reviews usually conducted by External Auditors or Institute of External Auditors or Internal Audit Department of a Multilateral Development Bank, to facilitate their work by collecting all the data, documents, information requested in all Departments, sending survey questionnaires to all Directors, arranging and attending their meetings with Directors and Top Management, reading and commenting on their draft Reports.
15. Train, direct and counsel less experienced Internal Auditors in the performance of audit assignments to ensure compliance with audit procedures, proficiency and time schedules.
16. Participate in the preparation of the department’s statutory reports like the annual activity report, annual work program, report on follow up of the implementation of audit recommendations among other reports as may be requested by the Manager and/or the Auditor General.
17. Participate / carry out knowledge management activities within and outside the department like facilitating at training events, retreats, staff orientation programs and other client liaison activities.
18. Provide technical updates to the audit team on new developments in the profession.
COMPETENCIES: (skills, experience and knowledge)
1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in Audit, Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, preferably combined with an internationally recognized professional accounting/auditing qualification (“Expert Comptable” Chartered/Certified Public Accountant designation).
2. A minimum of five (5) years of auditing experience in an internationally recognized professional accounting firm or an International Financial Institution. Practical data analytics experience would be a plus.
3. Sound knowledge and auditing experience of private and public sector operations, financial instruments, and information systems such as SAP Hana system, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Integrated Audit Approach.
4. Good interpersonal, supervisory, communication and analytical skills. Demonstrated capacity to influence and inspire team members.
5. Ability to deal with sensitive issues in a multi-cultural environment and to build effective working relations with colleagues
6. Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines while ensuring quality and exceeding client expectations.
7. Ability to apply international audit standards to deliver quality audit report in line with the Bank’s strategy needs/situation.
8. Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other language.
9. Proficiency in use of computer Aided Audit tools like ACL, Pentana, TeamMate, etc. Experience in the use of data analytical tools is a plus.

Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to: HR Direct HRDirect@AFDB.ORG(link sends e-mail)

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1- Regular Staff
If you are currently working at the African Development Bank as a regular staff, click on the button below to apply for this position.

2- External Candidate
If you are not currently working at the African Development Bank, or if you are a Short Term Staff (STS), a Technical Assistant or a Consultant at the Bank, click on the button below to apply for the position.

To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.

Applicants who fully meet the Bank's requirements and are considered for further assessment will be contacted. Applicants should submit a concise Curriculum Vitae (CV) and any additional documents that may be stated as required. The President of the African Development Bank reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level. The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. http://www.afdb.org

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